Entrepreneurial Leverage

Yes! I'd like to Chat with a Coach about Applying for the 7 SPOTS LEFT in Sage's High Level 1-Year Mastermind...
Limited to 100 Women Only



The Entrepreneurial  LEVERAGE Program Includes...

Monthly Inner Secrets Training Classes with Sage & Trainers

Monthly training classes will support you with every aspect of growing your business. – Topics include: branding, building your list, packaging & pricing your services, launching your website, making videos, creating joint venture partnerships, putting together your packages, hiring an assistant, & more.

Monthly Group Coaching on Accountability Days

Ask any biz or mindset question and & get high level coaching from Sage & the team. Q’s not answered on the call will be answered in your private Facebook group within 24 hours Monday-Friday.

Virtual Implementation Days (6)

Spend 5+ hours together virtually as a group & get step by step directions to implement what you’re learning - like launching your Facebook Page or Group, posting your website, following up with potential clients, creating your lead magnet, etc.

Exclusive Small Group Masterminding Sessions (6)

Join your trainers & fellow students in virtual breakout sessions. Get feedback as you practice approaching organizations to host you as a speaker, enrolling clients, communicating with JV partners & more.

Monthly Done-For-You Templates

Get our done-for-you templates, email templates, video & webinar scripts (& more)… to craft your marketable program, signature talk… along with accountability assignments, checklists, workbook exercises to systematize your business & reflection tools to grow your leadership.

Private Entrepreneurial Facebook Community

This online tribe is alive night & day, ready to support you with your business journey. Use this page to get quick feedback for your talk titles, marketing ideas, website copy, programs & offers. Share your struggles & celebrations & get support.

Biz Library

Get immediate access to last year’s entire set of content & bonus content including book launch strategies, launching & monetizing your TEDx talk, mindset & money tools & MORE.

Group Support

Get placed with a Private Board of Directors with your fellow students who will be on the “inside” of your business. This component of the program is self-led, with guidance from Sage & the team. Our women LOVE this part of the training!

3 Live Events with Sage & Speakers

• Wealth Mastermind
• Leverage your Stage Retreat
• Women Rocking Business Live Behind the Scenes
• Staffing, Leadership, Training & Debriefing at Sage's events

Bonus Training Topics Include

Standing Out Online, Launching a TEDx Talk, Launching a Bestselling Book, Mindset Support, Designing Online Launches, Booths & Sponsoring Events, How to Launch a Meetup, How to Package & Sell VIP Days, Training a Sales Team & More.


The Deeply Happy Expert Series I launched through Sage’s program helped me reach 6800 people around the globe…

I created over $5K of income immediately and $10K in following months. I also shifted from working primarily in my Naturopathic Practice to leading events and working with people virtually. I’m now leading a Happiness Movement and have the freedom and impact I’ve been craving.

Teray Garchitorena
Creator of the Happiness Movement

I’m doing what I truly love and touching more lives!.

Before I found Sage’s programs, I was very unsure about myself and the direction I needed to go. Through the ELA program I got clear on my message, and in Sage’s year two program I received amazing structure and support to grow my group programs from 4 to 56 participants in just 9 short months. I’ve also learned incredible new creative ways to market myself online, via telesummits and webinars, which has helped me grow professionally.

Jennifer DeVilliers
Creator of the 21 Day Body Mind Detox

Sage held me through my first 3-day event and supported me to craft my first 6-figure launch.

Before I joined Leverage I was spending more time searching for clients then serving clients, and when my husband lost his job I knew something needed to change. The Leverage training materials gave me everything I needed to add thousands of people to my list, embrace joint venture partnerships, launch a meetup with over 150 women, rebrand and claim my niche.

Meghan Neeley

My business has completely exploded, my email list is now at 140,000 and in the past year my business has brought in 2.6 million dollars in revenue.

The Leverage Programs lays out the steps clearly and simply. Sage helped me navigate the sometimes tricky waters of online business keeping my heat, heart, and spirit intact and aligned… she’s the real deal.

Susan Peirce Thompson, www.susanpeircethompson.com

Before I joined Leverage I was trying desperately to balance my kids, my partner and my own self-care as I attempted to build my business.

The Leverage Program taught me everything I needed to launch my first event – I had 40 women in the room and though I was terrified, it was a huge success. With follow ups I enrolled 14 women into my first group program and doubled my income in just 1 month. I’m now hosting webinars and looking at filling my next group program while taking better care of myself than ever, flying from Australia to California to train with the Leverage Community… Thank you Sage!

Louise Jeffrey

With Sage’s private mentoring and the skills I launched the “Tap into Money Summit” and I now have an online list of over 10,000 people,

I’ve stepped into the shoes of an expert and discovered my unique gift to share with clients… I generated 6-figures of income through enrolling 20 women in my 9-month program, and have discovered who I am – I’ve become so much more authentically and confidently me in my work.

Natalie Hill, www.tapintomoney.com

I feel so much more confident…

Sage taught me to host an online event that added thousands of people to my community in LESS THAN A MONTH and enrolled dozens of people into my group program. I feel SO much more confident both in my online marketing and as a speaker thanks to Sage… I’m built to be doing this!!!

Michelle Melendez, Women Getting Fit Wellness Teleseries

I filled a room with 55 people…

Before I joined Leverage I felt alone and without a strategy – But now, 8 months after joining Leverage I filled a room of 55 people eagerly waiting to hear my message… thanks to the community and the leverage strategies I now feel supported and focused… I’m hosting events, webinars, running facebook ads and I’m on track to fill my group program with 15 new clients.

Tildet Varon


Entrepreneurial LEVERAGE?


I'd like to Chat with a Coach about Applying for the 7 SPOTS LEFT in Sage's High Level 1-Year Mastermind...
Limited to 100 Women Only


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