It’s time to get yourself out there, rockstar!
If you’re just starting out in biz, you know it can be tempting to hide behind your computer or create content in a closet.
In today’s training, I’m sharing 3 tips to embrace human connection so you can…
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The best services, programs, and products are launched with a foundation of human-to-human interaction. It’s so important to get feedback, ask questions, and collect testimonials.
If you know you have a gift to get out there, here are 3 tips to get started:
Find a few potential clients to work with for FREE in exchange for a testimonial. This is great hands-on practice that will help you get even more clear in the process.
Invite friends & colleagues to a small Zoom conference, where you can take your message and services for a test drive. (Reminder: don’t worry about being perfect!)
Take some time to talk with other entrepreneurs and ask about their actions, fears, and path to success. Remember, nobody does it alone and nobody starts with all the answers. Interviews can help you get clarity & helpful advice.
Create your services based on what your ideal clients say they want. Positioning your offerings using their own words is gold for your business!
Be bold.
Be brave.
Get yourself out there, beauty!
Let’s do this thing…together.
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