We just welcomed over 7,000 new women speakers into our community and many are asking… How do I create BOTH transformation AND income from the stage?
So I went to the drawing board & found one of our most popular episodes filmed right after one of our most successful 7-figure events that changed the lives of over 1000 women around the world.
I was fresh off the event – which made me SO clear on WHAT WORKS… and what doesn’t work.
If you’re thinking about rocking events in 2024 and wondering, “Is it really possible to provide a transformational experience AND monetize?”
The answer is a huge, “YES!”
Here are my 3 tips for leading an engaging, profitable virtual event.
^^^Watch “3 Tips: Lead Transformational Profitable Events” Now!^^^
#1. Establish a Two-Way Learning Environment
There’s a saying I love that states, “Impression without expression leads to depression.”
That means it’s so important to give your attendees a chance to express themselves if you want them to truly absorb the content you’re giving them.
After 20 to 30 minutes of teaching, create space for your attendees to integrate what they’ve just learned by giving them a short exercise or action step to take next.
Remember, content is a dime a dozen these days. When you create a two-way conversation, your training will leave a lasting, memorable impression that inspires transformation.
#2. Offer Breakout Sessions
One of my favorite Zoom features is the ability to create breakout rooms. This allows your attendees to gather in small groups to practice what they’ve just learned.
At my latest event, we had multiple breakout sessions and offered short exercises where attendees could go around the “room” and share their answers.
Breakout rooms create a sense of community, and they aid the learning process by allowing for open expression and an opportunity to take action.
#3. Create a Transformational Space
Your virtual event is a space to create transformation in the lives of your ideal clients. Tell them exactly what they’ll do to experience a life-changing shift during their virtual experience with you.
For example, at my recent event, our attendees actually crafted their 90-day launch plans live throughout the 3 days. They took tangible action by implementing new tools and strategies… resulting in a sense of transformation!
Make a deeper impact on your attendees’ lives by…
You can even ask your attendees to do something as simple as dropping a “YES” in the chat if the content is resonating with them.
I hope these tips help you rock your next virtual event, and create a sense of trust, community, and connection…
…because connection = currency!
And when your participants trust you, they feel more confident to invest.
The world needs your gift right now. People need spaces where they can gather, feel safe, and be vulnerable.
Your ideal clients are out there and they’re waiting to have their lives transformed by YOU.
IF this content resonates with you, and you’re looking to take your business & speaking to the next level… Grab your free seat in my upcoming Rock the Stage 5-day training!
We’re going to dive in and actually CREATE your speaking marketing materials WITH you in this experiential event.
Join us to Rock the Stage in 2024 >> HERE
Let’s do this thing…together.
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