Do you ever feel like you don’t know what to say when you’re talking to a potential client? Or maybe you’re just not hearing YES as much as you need to feel financially secure.
Today’s training is going to show you what to say and the exact questions to ask so your potential clients say “yes!” to working with you.
In this clip from my recent Biz Academy Wealth Retreat, I share the 4 steps I use to connect deeply with clients during enrollment calls – including word-for-word scripts that feel totally natural and get your clients excited for the transformation they’re about to have.
Here’s what you’ll learn…
(^^^Watch 4 Steps to Hear YES in Your Enrollment Conversations)
People will pay you when they believe you can solve a problem for them.
At its core, business is about solving problems. My favorite way to open up an enrollment conversation is to dive right in with the question, “If there was one challenge that I could solve for you today, what would it be?”
Asking this question right off the bat lets people know that you’re a professional & that you don’t have all day long to chat – you’re here to help them solve a problem.
Get people in touch with their dreams and their vision.
Ask them, “What do you want?” and “Why do you want it?” That’s really important.
Don’t bypass getting them connected to the “why” that lives in their heart.
When we are in an enrollment conversation, the intent is to help your potential client say yes to themselves, to get the support that they need. And inevitably, many of us get scared when we get the opportunity to get the support that we’re looking for. That’s why we need somebody to stand with us for our why & to help us get back in our hearts. That person is YOU!
Use the art of the “One-Sentence Story.”
As soon as someone starts telling you about what’s been hard, my favorite thing to say is, “Wow, I can really relate.” Then tell your one-sentence story, which can sound like, “I’ve been through a divorce. I know how painful that can be. Congratulations for being here.” But I don’t start telling my story because it’s not about me.
And then you loop it back around to them with, “Tell me more.” The more you can invite them to share, the closer the bond you get to make with this person.
Transition to laying out a plan to solve your potential client’s problem.
From here, I use a simple sentence like this: “Based on what you’ve shared with me, here’s what I’d like to recommend for you and where I see your opportunity for transformation.” This lets them feel what it would be like to have their problem solved.
Continue by getting them in touch with the result of your working together. I say, “Based on what you’ve shared, I believe that with XYZ, you could be experiencing the result (that they just told you they were looking for) within a few months’ time. How would that feel?”
That last question keeps the conversation going. We want to get them in touch with the energy of “Yes, that would feel amazing.”
Know when to lean back.
Ask your potential client their commitment level on a scale of 1 to 10. If they’re an eight or above, awesome. If they’re an eight or a nine, ask “What would make you a 10?”
If there are 7 and below, you can let them know that you honor their journey and that you work with people that are committed at an 8, 9, or 10. Then let them know that you have other resources they could check out, and that it was so great to meet them.
It’s incredible what happens when you start honoring this boundary for yourself, and it leads to you working with soulmate clients who are truly ready for the transformation you bring.
Use this framework with your next enrollment conversations so you can create a deeper bond with your potential clients. They will be much more likely to say yes to working with you.
You’re here to change lives & change the world. It all starts with knowing what to say to get your clients excited… So they say yes, invest in working with you, and experience your life-changing work!
Let’s do this thing…together.
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