5 Steps to Overcome Your Fear of Speaking

Do you have a fear of speaking? 🫢

If you’re nervous to speak on stage or on camera, try doing these 5 things to make it feel…

đź’™ Easy
đź’™ Authentic

Check out my 5 tips + comment below and let me know which one resonates with you the most!

^^^Watch “5 Steps to Overcome Fear of Speaking” Now!^^^

#1. Release Judgment

Do your best to release any fears of JUDGMENT you associate with speaking.

Stop being afraid of what they’ll think of you.
Stop being afraid of their perceptions of you.
Stop being afraid of any judgements.

Instead, focus on your audience!

Make it about their dreams.
Make it about their desires.
Make it about their struggles and challenges (and what that’s costing them!)

#2. Stop Chasing Perfection

Important: People don’t want perfection.

They want someone who is authentic and open-hearted… someone who genuinely cares about them and their transformation. 

The times when I’ve been the realest, made mistakes on stage are when I got the most compliments.

(Yep, I literally tripped and fell into a somersault on stage during one of my first retreats. I made a joke of it, re-centered myself, and the audience positively acknowledged how I kept going anyway!)

#3. Honor Your Fearful Energy

It’s healthy to feel some level of fear.

Fear keeps us on our game.
Fear reminds us that we need to practice.
Fear keeps us humble. 

So know that if you didn’t feel very real human emotions – like fear – you wouldn’t be able to connect with your audience in an authentic and engaging way.

#4. Take Care of Yourself

You are the limited natural resource in this equation.

It’s YOU that people are coming to hear.
(Whether it’s one person or one thousand people.)

I prioritize self-care, especially before a speaking engagement. For example, I don’t work out too hard before a big speaking engagement. It takes a lot of energy and caloric output to lead the stage.

Do a gentle workout, practice yoga, or stretch your body.
Stock up on healthy snacks.
Stay hydrated. (I like green drinks and smoothies that are gentle on my stomach!)

Take amazing care of your body temple.

#5. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

The more prepared you are, the less nervous you will feel.

So take time to practice the parts of your talk that make you the most nervous, which are likely your introduction and your offer.

HOT TIP: If you’re leading a virtual event, create an offer outline that you can glance at on screen!

Finally, remember it’s not about being perfect, it’s about being WILLING.

Act in service to whoever shows up.
Be an inspiring, heartful, and committed speaker.
Show up in a way that supports the highest good.

When you surrender and trust in that way… the money will follow.

Let’s do this thing…together.


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