My Launch Failed…What’s Next?

I want to talk about FAILURE.

If you ever feel like you’ve failed with a launch, training, or speaking gig, I want to assure you that there’s something amazing waiting for you on the other side.

I’m sharing the story of one of my BIGGEST biz failures & teaching you hacks to learn the most from your failure and…

  • Bounce back way higher (and stronger!)
  • Make an even bigger difference in the world
  • Earn a lot of money

^^^Watch “My Launch Failed…What’s Next?” Now!^^^

A few years ago, I launched a program called “Niche Clarity Now.”

….and it BOMBED.

I didn’t get the results I had hoped for.

My business went into $35k in debt.

I felt like I failed. 

At first, I started pointing the finger at my mentor who guided me through the launch, then at my team, and ultimately, at myself.

Then, I decided to get out of blame and step into being a detective. 

I wanted to figure out what went wrong, so I could create an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back even more successful.

So I asked a powerful question:

“What could I have done differently?”

I dug deep and asked a lot of questions to 2 groups of people:

  • The leaders who achieved the success I was aspiring to
  • My ideal clients

My research unveiled something I hadn’t realized before:

My ideal clients didn’t know they needed to invest in finding their niches. 

That means “Niche Clarity Now” wasn’t a marketable title. 

So we changed the name of the course to… “Make Money with Your Message.”

…and it sold like hot cakes. 

Since then, thousands of women have enrolled and the course earned hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

We were able to pivot this program from $35k in debt to become one of our top-selling, marketable courses… and it has changed so many lives!

Here were my biggest takeaways from this failure experience:

#1. Connect with Your Ideal Clients

Before you start creating content… talk with your ideal clients. Understand the RESULTS they want and pay attention to the WORDS they use to describe them. When you can speak THEIR language, you can create a marketable course that resonates with their deepest desires.  

#2. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

After a failure, it may be tempting to ditch your failed efforts and try something new. The reality is: it’s a good idea to stick with your original idea & strategy! Instead of reinventing the wheel, spend the time to identify which piece may be an obstacle…so you can fix it and reintroduce your idea with greater success. 

#3. Ask Questions & Follow Up

The easiest way to figure out why you failed is asking questions. Talk to your mentors, team members, peers, and most importantly, your ideal clients. Ask the powerful question, “What could I have done differently?” and send plenty of follow-up questions, surveys, and opportunities to prove feedback. 

#4. Don’t Give Up

Failure is NOT a reason to give up! Don’t stop running before you’ve reached the finish line. You have a life-changing gift and there are lives out there waiting to be changed by YOU. There’s greater impact (and income) waiting for you on the other side of failure. 

#5. Appreciate Your Failure

Failure is one of the most influential teachers on this planet. A failed launch, training, or speaking gig is an opportunity to reflect, grow, learn…and come back EVEN stronger than you’ve ever been. Don’t ask for it to be easy… ask to know your own strength.

So beautiful, amazing rockstar, I’m here to tell you to keep going. 

Learn from your failures, so you can strengthen yourself and your business and change MORE lives.

Because your clients are out there waiting for you.

They’re not just waiting for someone like you. 

They’re actually waiting for YOU. 

Let’s do this thing…together.


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