3 Keys to Rock Your Signature Talk

Wondering what it takes to put together a talk that rocks the lives of your participants & inspires them to take the next step… either booking a discovery call or hiring you?

There are 3 keys to rock your signature talk so you can find clients quickly (I wish I knew this sooner).

(^^^Watch “3 Keys to Rock Your Signature Talk”)

In this throwback gem of an episode (the original had over 14K views!), you’ll learn:

  • What is a commitment decision and how you can use it to attract clients (even ones you just met)
  • How to be transparent about your offer without being manipulative
  • The number one thing that holds entrepreneurs back from speaking – and what to do about it so you never lack clients again
  • Why people aren’t coming to your free talks…and the hack that changes EVERYTHING
  • The 5-word test to make sure your talk title is irresistible – so people drop everything and give up their Thursday night to be with you

These tips are reflections from when my business was just about to explode, and since then I’ve used them to more than quadruple my audience.

Key #1: Create a Talk Title That Passes the “Face Test”

The first tip to doing an amazing job of attracting your ideal clients and inviting them to your talk (whether it’s free or you charge a nominal fee), is to make sure that you have a title of your signature talk that passes what we call the “face test…”

Meaning that you have a results-oriented title that allows people to see why they should invest their time in you. Even if your events are free, remember that people are investing with their time.

We all have a limited amount of precious minutes and hours in the day, so you need a title that signals to your audience, “I’m not here to waste your time; I’m here to give you valuable content you can use right away and show you there’s another step to take with me if you so choose.”

Here’s an example of a talk title that passes the face test: “Attention Professional Women: Double your free time and quadruple your energy so you can create a life and career you love.”

This title is specific and results-oriented, and will instantly draw the attention of your ideal clients.

Key #2: Ensure Your Signature Talk is Participant-Focused

Once you have a title, the next step is to ensure your signature talk is participant-focused.

You need to put yourself in their shoes—tune into W-I-I-F-M: “What’s in it for me?” Consider what you would want to get out of the talk to make it worth your time and build faith that this speaker can help you move forward.

Brené Brown says a sense of belonging is the biggest driver of human behavior. Creating connection through exercises, discussions, and interaction in the room allows people to see the gap between where they are and where they want to go.

To help people engage, alternate content with exercises that allow participants to connect and express themselves. If you just feed content without allowing expression, people might drop in energy. They need a space to express and connect.

Key #3: Begin With the End in Mind

Be transparent from the start. Let people know in the first few minutes of your talk that there will be an opportunity to take the next step. It’s respectful and honoring. People are in the room trying on this transformation you’re offering, and some are trying you on as a potential mentor. Transparency builds trust.

Ask yourself, “What do people need to know in order to take the next step with me?”

Whether you’re offering a course, program, or even if it’s just a free conversation, you’re asking people to invest their time or money. Don’t underestimate the steps people take to invest in you, and think about what they need to feel confident in doing so.

A client of mine, Adriana, discovered that her clients – professional women who were over-giving – needed to know they could become masters of their schedules and set boundaries without losing love or relationships.

She designed her talk to show that boundary-setting is honorable, and love won’t disappear if you start taking more time for yourself. Her signature talk now converts 25-40% of attendees to express interest in working with her.

It’s all about knowing what your audience needs to hear to take that next step. This is how you reverse engineer your offer—by starting with the end in mind.


Busy, successful women entrepreneurs I know swear by these 3 keys to rock the stage, host webinars, or give in-person talks to fill their group programs.

These signature talk keys are going to be a big game-changer for you, so you can make the difference that you’re meant to make on this planet. Your clients are waiting for you.

Let’s do this thing…together.


P.S. Does your Signature Talk title pass the “Face Test”?

Post it in the Women Rocking Sisterhood group & ask for feedback – there are thousands of savvy marketers in the group who are ready to jump in and help!

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