Hot Tips To Fill High-Ticket Destination Retreats

Have you ever dreamed of leading a retreat that changes lives? Picture taking people to breathtaking destinations, creating lasting transformations in an immersive experience, all while growing your business. If you’re getting starry-eyed thinking about this, you’re going to love today’s insights on how to price, sell & lead profitable, transformative retreats.

This is one of my favorite topics! I’ve led retreats in Bali, California, Sedona, and Maui….and they’re as life-changing for me as they are for my clients.

Retreats are deeply spiritual for me. It’s a chance to profoundly connect with clients as you create a sacred container for them to do deep work.


Why Retreats are a Game-Changer for Your Business

If you’re a coach, mentor, or healer, weaving retreats into your business model can deepen your client relationships and help you stand out. The real magic of retreats is in the transformation they offer—something you can’t quite achieve through a Zoom call. Plus, the marketing content you can create from retreat footage and photos is priceless.

But let’s talk logistics: How do you fill your retreat? How do you monetize it? How do you ensure your retreat serves both your clients and your bottom line?

Filling Your Retreat: It’s More Than Just a Destination

The key to filling your retreat isn’t leaning too heavily on the allure of a beautiful location. While destinations like Bali or Costa Rica are appealing, people want more than just a getaway—they want a purpose-driven experience. The destination enhances the transformation, but it’s the promise of growth and change that attracts participants.

Monetizing Your Retreat: Making it Profitable

The biggest challenge with retreats is the cost—lodging, food, excursions, and team salaries all add up. To ensure your retreat is profitable, you need a well-thought-out business model. Early in my career, I led a retreat in Bali that, while personally transformative, didn’t leave me with much profit. I learned quickly that you need to do the math and plan carefully.

One of the most effective ways to monetize your retreats is to embed them into a high-ticket program. This allows you to charge for a year-long (or six-month) transformation journey, with the retreat being a core part of the experience. This strategy not only helps you cover the costs of the retreat but also ensures you’re working with committed clients who are in it for the long haul.

You could also reverse the model by selling the retreat first, and then offering pre- and post-retreat sessions to enhance the value. This helps participants get the most out of their experience and ensures they’re fully committed by the time they arrive.

Setting Your Prices: What Should You Charge?

Pricing your retreat requires careful consideration. For example, let’s assume lodging costs around $1,000 per person for five days, and food adds another $1,000. With other expenses like team salaries and event insurance, you’re looking at significant upfront costs. That’s why I recommend charging at least $5,000 to $10,000 per participant, depending on the value of the experience.

If you’re embedding the retreat into a high-ticket program, you can raise the program fee to cover these costs. For instance, if hosting a retreat for 40 clients costs you $24,000, you could increase the program fee from $10,000 to $12,000 (or more) to cover the retreat expenses. You could even include follow-up sessions or use the retreat as a launchpad for upselling other programs.

Crunching the Numbers: Be Smart About Costs

While retreats can be highly profitable, you need to plan ahead and calculate your expenses. Be clear with participants about what’s included (and what’s not). Most importantly, ensure that your pricing covers all costs while still leaving room for profit.

The Experience: More Than Just Teaching

Remember, a retreat isn’t just a workshop in a beautiful location—it’s an immersive experience. You want to create enough space for personal reflection, group exercises, and genuine connection. It’s about making it a meaningful journey for everyone involved – including yourself. I’ve been personally transformed by the retreats I’ve led.

Leading retreats is one of the most rewarding things you can do for your clients and your business. They offer a unique opportunity for transformation, deep connection, and lifelong memories. If you’ve ever wondered how to charge $10,000 (or more) for a retreat or group program, I’m here to tell you it’s possible—and it’s incredibly fulfilling. At Women Rocking Business, we’ve helped thousands of clients build six- and seven-figure businesses, leading retreats that change lives.

I’d love to share more with you at our upcoming Rock the Virtual Stage three-day workshop, where you’ll learn how to use speaking and events to build unshakable confidence and enroll high-ticket clients. For just $47, you’ll get the exact blueprint I used to generate over $33 million in my business.

>>>Join me to write YOUR high-ticket talk

Remember, your clients are out there looking for you. Go rock your retreats and build a business you love!

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