Are you doubting your niche… your business… your life?

The other day I had one of those days where it felt like something just needed to CHANGE.

I was walking along the ocean, dreaming about doing something different… maybe switching my niche to work with women going through divorce, or step into a form of spiritual mentorship… or… perhaps move to a tropical island & sell snow cones on the beach!?!

You don’t ever do this… do you? (Busted!)

I do this! Even though I’m running a million dollar company, writing a book… and experiencing incredible results with my clients. (And I love what I do!)

We all have times where we begin to doubt whether we’re cut out for this, or whether we’re doing the exact right thing…

When is the last time you second-guessed your business direction, or chosen niche?

We are visionaries – it’s normal to consider reinventing yourself every month, or every week… or several times a DAY! (LOL)

For you niche switchers pay attention… This may help you immensely.

Luckily on this day I caught myself (in the past it’s taken me weeks to catch myself) and had a little heart to heart with Ms. Sage. What she needed? Rest.

So, I cancelled a morning meeting which was absolutely cancellable, and I rolled around my bed listening to my favorite meditation with candles lit. I cried, I felt, and I dropped… into that still expansive place inside me.

IF you’re doubting your message or your niche, give yourself a break, be gentle, get the rest you need, and consult with a mentor, or a trusted colleague, before you start throwing everything up into the air for re-invention!

There are times and scenarios when shifting what you’re doing is appropriate, I myself tried on three different niches when I first launched my business and my friend Jesse Koren coined me a “niche switcher” – and I needed to explore to find my sweet spot.

However, once you decide, and you have some momentum, get real with yourself when the need to switch directions comes up.

Because, the truth is… once you have momentum, your life begins to get easier. And, every time you re-invent, you are starting from scratch again.  

Furthermore, when you go out into the world and find yourself getting inspired by a workshop or a ted talk you watched… just because you’re inspired doesn’t mean you need to switch your niche! You can take that inspiration or those new tools and bring them back to the niche you’ve already chosen.

I think deep down we usually know what we’re meant to do, and it’s usually the fear of being big and visible that kicks up fear inside us, to protect us and keep us safe.

And remember when you choose a niche and a message, you’ll get to do all the things you want with your students and clients once they come through your door, and you’ll get to say all the things you want to say to your tribe because now that you have a clear message… they will be listening.

>>What does your inner saboteur say?
>>What niches are you considering?
>>What are you afraid of regarding choosing a niche?

I’m writing a chapter in my book about this and your responses will support me a ton…

Let’s do this thing Goddess…Together.


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