Woo Hoo! We just wrapped up our 3-Day Rock Your Online Sales Retreat!
I’m reflecting on the incredible group of intelligent, heart-centered, powerhouse women from last week’s event… and there’s one question that initially came up a lot that I want to address for today’s training.
“Are people really going to buy my stuff?”
(Pop a “YES” in the comments below if this question has ever crossed your mind.)
I’m sharing 3 tips for you to feel totally confident in what you’re selling, so you can…
Check out the podcast, video, and article below!
^^^Watch “Are Your Ideal Clients Going to Buy?” Now^^^
Let’s look at the question again:
“Are people going to buy my stuff?”
I lovingly ask you…
Is this question about your ideal clients…or is it about you?
I invite you to shift the focus to your ideal clients – the people who you’re here to support and lead through transformation.
Reframe the question and ask yourself:
“How do I add so much value to my program or offering that my ideal clients feel so excited to buy?”
When you package a high-value program that gives your ideal client the tools to create deep, lasting transformation, both you AND your ideal clients will feel so good about the investment.
(By the way, high-value programs are recession-proof. This strategy works in any economy and any niche.)
Here’s one of my favorite quotes:
Clarity comes from taking action, not the other way around.
When you work with clients and start seeing big results, you’ll feel so much more confident (and even potentially feel ready to raise your rates.)
Ask yourself two questions:
First, “What do I need to charge to earn my ideal income?”
Then, “What do I include in my program so I feel great about charging that amount of money?”
When you feel solid on your answer, take action and offer your program to your ideal clients. Now, you’re changing lives AND earning life-changing income at the same time.
Helpful reminder:
Don’t charge too little or else you could feel bitter or resentful. You want to feel lit up and inspired when you offer your program. That’s why it’s so important to create a high-value program.
There are so many factors contributing to your energetic vibration…
It’s so important that you raise your vibration so you become magnetic to your ideal clients.
Here’s the thing, rockstar:
Your clients want the high-vibe version of you.
(Not the perfectionist, not the robot who has it all figured out)
They want the most authentic, thriving YOU.
Raise your vibration and tune into the highest version of yourself… then bring her to the table in your business. (Your clients are going to LOVE her.)
So here’s a quick recap.
If you’re wondering, “Are my ideal clients going to buy?”
The answer is a “YES” if you create a high-value program, get clarity from taking action, and raise your energetic vibration.
I’m welcoming so many amazing women entrepreneurs into our Women Rocking Business Academy for year-long training. If you want to immerse yourself in mentorship & sisterhood and build a business that changes lives…
I invite you to join us.
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Here’s a taste of what you’ll do inside…
Your clients are waiting for you. They’re not just waiting for someone like you. They’re actually waiting for YOU.
Let’s do this thing…together.
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