Birthing Pains of my BOOK

I just opened up the box of books. EEEEK!! To hold my very first book in my hands is both exciting and TERRIFYING. Then, I had to get on a plane and fly to Colorado to meet my masterminding partners (half are whom best-selling authors already) –

Ok, the truth is that I got caught just a little bit in the comparison trap?

Furthermore, there’s something about my vulnerable stories being in printed form, being read by people all over the world that is downright scary.

And then there’s this piece around becoming a best-seller that tugs at my ego and puts me in this push & pull relationship with goals and numbers (I know you know what I’m talking about.)

I’m managing this pull between my own overly high expectations of myself and my deeper mission. I find that when I surrender to my deeper mission it’s SO much easier to do the work of getting this message out there.

My peace of mind comes when I remember the movement of women gathering- and truly valuing ourselves by launching a business we love. It’s YOU expressing yourself and getting paid well for it – this is what is truly driving me to birth this book.

SO…. When you get all caught up in the crunchy confusion of driving toward achieving certain “results”… stop and feel your heart. Feel the people in your life who have your back. Feel your clients who are waiting for you. Feel your entrepreneurial sisters who are alongside you.

We go so much further when we go together.
We go so much further when we have each other’s backs… when we know there’s a sister on the path that has our backs, who will pick us up, dust us off and send us back out there if we fall on our face. Because we will. But it’s okay – because that is part of the journey.

This is the lifetime where we, as women get to go toward our dreams and we get to go TOGETHER.

You have a business you are birthing – your mission is what will pull you forward, and you’re not alone.

I have a question for YOU.

What are you committed to clearing so that you can fully move forward toward your mission?

Your MISSION is so much bigger than your fear.
I look forward to reading your commitment on the thread below.

I can’t wait for you to read the book. I’m most proud of chapter 12, where I lay out a plan for building a business that also becomes a HUMANITARIAN Give Back to the world.

There’s no accident that you’ve been called to this mission.


Click here to head over to the WOMEN Rocking Business Sisterhood Page to Network with & Get support from an amazing group of GLOBAL Women Speakers & Entrepreneurs who are committed to changing the world together.

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