Building a Brave Business with Remi Pearson and Sage Lavine

If you want to infuse your heart-based business with more..

đź’™ Bravery
đź’™ Authenticity
đź’™ Confidence
đź’™ Fierce feminine energy
đź’™ Genuine support

…then I’d love to introduce you to Remi Pearson, one of my dear friends and colleagues who is so real and authentic! Remi has changed the lives of over 11,000 coaches as an…

đź’› Entrepreneur (with an 8-figure business!)
đź’› Founder of The Coaching Institute
đź’› Host of the Brave Heart podcast
đź’› Author
đź’› Speaker

Her gift?
Delivering evidence-based systems and personal development courses to heart-based coaches around the world.

Also her gift?
Shining her light of authenticity no matter what… and teaching us to use everything in our businesses as fuel for our deepest truths.

If you want to build a BRAVE business that’s grounded in all that is true to YOU, I highly recommend you check out this conversation and discover how to…

Overcome pushback and rise above the “haters”
Scale your business quickly (Remi reached 7-figures in just a few short years!)
Live your life & lead your business as your authentic self
Break the status quo and create something incredible
Always stand aligned with your message and truth

Let’s dive in.

^^^Watch “Building a Brave Business with Remi Pearson and Sage Lavine” Now!^^^

Here are some of my favorite takeaways from my conversation with Remi:

1. Don’t wait for permission to take up the space you wish to occupy.
2. Protect, live, and share your inner truth.
3. Own your fierce feminine… and don’t apologize for it.
4. Remember that “no” is a complete sentence.
5. Realize that people who truly have your best interest will not ask you to dim your light to accommodate their dysregulations.

Follow Remi at

Be brave.
Be authentic.
Be unapologetically YOU.

Let’s do this thing…together.


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