Eat to ROCK THE STAGE: During Menopause

A few years ago, I wasn’t doing so hot. I was feeling drained even in the morning, my brain fog was making it hard to make decisions & function as a CEO, and I had extra weight that wouldn’t seem to leave no matter what I did.

(The final straw was seeing a few pics of me on stage – the stage doesn’t lie, and it was time for a CHANGE!)

I worked with about a dozen health pros, but there was one who I credit with giving me my life & energy back & losing the weight.

That fabulous woman is Ellysia Maidens, my personal nutritionist. I felt so transformed by working with her that I wanted to make sure every woman over 40 knows about these simple nutrition shifts that could radically impact your performance on stage…

Especially women entrepreneurs who need extra energy to show up, be inspirational, and attract clients.

(^^^Watch the interview: “Eat to ROCK THE STAGE: During Menopause” with Ellysia Maidens)

Here’s what you’ll learn…

  • How to work with your body’s natural hormone shifts to reclaim your energy, lose weight, get your libido back, and feel great again… naturally
  • Why what you eat or don’t eat – and, most importantly, HOW you eat – can be the difference between having the energy you need to rock your business…or dragging and slogging through your day
  • The surprising truth about amino acids, protein, snacking, and meal timing that could forever change the way you think about food
  • And so much more – this episode is packed with nutritional wisdom. I’m so excited for you to tune in!

If you’re going to rock the stage, you need your energy to inspire people… and we shouldn’t feel like crap.

High-performers and leaders run on high octane, burn more adrenaline, and fire on all cylinders, so it’s easier for us to get depleted in key hormones… and our hormones control everything from:

  • energy levels
  • weight
  • moods
  • libido
  • brain fog
  • and more

In her early 40s, Ellysia had brain fog, lethargy, depression, and just didn’t have any up and go. Her doctors prescribed her medication, but it didn’t help whatsoever. So she started to look into what could actually help her.

Her path led her to become a nutritionist. That’s when she discovered the impact her hormones played in what she was experiencing, and she never looked back. Here are the key takeaways that every woman over 40 needs to know…

Women need to increase protein intake after 40 so we can ensure adequate amino acids.

Amino acids replenish our hormones and keep everything firing correctly. Amino acids play a direct role in how well your neurotransmitters fire – meaning your brain will be working optimally and that impacts mental clarity, mood, energy, and productivity.

A good rule of thumb for how much protein you need is to have a third of your plate be protein. Good sources of protein include tempeh, chicken breast, fish, and high-protein veggies.

Snacking wreaks havoc on our blood sugar, insulin levels, and metabolism.

Every time we eat, our blood glucose increases, our insulin increases, and our bodies require significant energy to process that food. That’s important energy that gets diverted from our other important functions, so our energy and mental clarity suffer.

If you must have a snack, go for green powder, an amino acid protein drink, or even a little bit of chicken broth if you really need something to get you through.

Eat three meals a day for optimum energy and balance.

Eating three meals a day gives your body plenty of time to digest, process, and break down your food’s vitamins and minerals properly and put them where they need to be.

Then you actually have that clear brain and ability to give your best to the people you need to give it to and perform the way you need to perform.

Aim for a 4-5 hour fast between meals to give your body a chance to digest and get the nutrients where they need to go.

If you want dessert, that’s perfectly fine. But don’t eat dessert two hours after your meal. Eat desserts with your meal so you don’t get that insulin spike and then the subsequent cravings. And one more tip…Enjoy it!

Focus on regaining your energy and everything will fall into place. Eat three meals a day, eat your protein, and don’t snack. Do these three things and you will notice a massive shift in your energy, brain fog, weight, digestion, and mental clarity.

I hope you loved learning these tips and that they make a difference in how you ROCK the Stage. We women entrepreneurs need our health to be as best it can so we can serve the world with our gifts. 💙

Let’s do this thing…together.


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