Following Your Deepest Desires in Business

Today’s training is all about going from desire… to destiny.

Rockstar, your greatest desires are given to you for a reason.
I believe they’re the universe’s way of clueing you into your next chapter.

So if you have a desire in you to build a transformational business & listen to your inner truth…

Check out this video below.

^^^Watch “Follow Your Deepest Desires in Business” Now^^^

My good friend & soul brother Derek Rydall taught me a spiritual metaphysical definition of desire:

Desire can be translated to “of the sire” or “of the kingdom of the divine or the universe.”

If you’re feeling a greater desire within you, it’s not random.
It’s the universe pulling you forward to deliver your gifts to the planet.

I started following my deepest desires in the middle of a personal life breakdown.

My marriage was ending.
I left my teaching career.
I was walking through grief and despair.

But I felt something bigger tapping me on the shoulder.

I committed to following my desires.

I started creating art.
Then selling art.
Then teaching young artists to sell art.
Then teaching women to lead businesses.

Now, I’m leading a multimillion dollar training company and I’m following my desires and my greater purpose every day.

Janet Atwood says:
“Those desires are like stepping stones that are leading you down a path to your destiny.”

So beauty, I invite you to reflect on a powerful question:
What is your deepest and greatest desire for your life and business?

Take some time to think and write. Give yourself this moment to consider your deepest desire.

Let your pen do the talking. When you slow down your mind to the pace of your pen, you allow space for spirit to come in.

Don’t be afraid.
Tell yourself the truth.
Get out of your own way.
…and follow your desires, beauty!

Let’s do this thing…together.


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