I have some really exciting news to share with you…
I’m being featured in my first documentary!
Millionaire Within Her is an amazing docu-series that celebrates dozens of women entrepreneurs who are paving the way for the next wave (including you!) to earn more, lead more, and BE more.
***Register to watch Millionaire Within Her for FREE from June 8-16!***
^^^Watch my Millionaire Within Her trailer video here^^^
Today I’m going to teach YOU the top 3 strategies to landing your first documentary series, so you can reach millions with your message and leverage MONEY to…
One of our core values at Women Rocking Business is, “Collaboration over Competition.”
As women entrepreneurs, we go so much further when we go together.
Two of my dear friends and colleagues, Lee Richter and Marci Shimoff, first connected me with this docu-series and I’m so thankful that we were all featured in it together.
My growing network of powerhouse women (and men) is one of my favorite resources in business. Its so rewarding to be part of a community of entrepreneurs who are linking arms and rising together.
The best part is: this network includes you too!
As your rock your heart-based business, remember it’s so important to nurture your connections and show up for them in generosity, and let them know you’re grateful when they do the same for you.
Another reason I was invited to be part of the Millionaire Within Her docu-series was because of my niche.
When you have a micro-niche to bring to the table, you can use your message as a contribution to awesome opportunities including…
The incredible women who presented in the docu-series all have mastery of their micro-niches and expertise in their unique areas of business and purpose.
Here’s a hot tip:
There is no one thing that will help you become famous or successful in business.
Focus on your long-term game and building your biz week by week, month by month, and year by year.
An abundant business is the result of a continuously thriving YOU, so it’s essential to…
As you’re growing your heart-based business, it’s up to YOU to choose the opportunities that can help you reach your goals. Leverage stages and platforms that allow you to create solid marketing that attracts your ideal clients.
A diverse biz strategy creates a snowball effect for more and more doors to open for you.
I can’t wait to see you rock these 3 strategies in your business! I truly believe WOMEN are a huge part of creating a successful, wealthy, abundant planet.
You are strong.
You are important.
You are a BIG part of the future
…your clients are waiting for you.
Let’s do this thing…together.
***Register to watch Millionaire Within Her for FREE from June 8-16!***
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