How to Create Financial Freedom with Penelope Jane Smith and Sage Lavine

Let’s talk about MONEY.

I’m sharing a super-hot training around making money and growing money… so you can build your entrepreneurial queendom with more wealth and ease.

In this interview with financial freedom expert Penelope Jane Smith, you’ll discover…

  • How to get started investing (even if you’re a total beginner)
  • The mindset of growing long-term wealth in your life and business
  • Strategies to create financial freedom & have your money work for YOU

Penelope is the go-to financial freedom coach for women entrepreneurs. She’s worked with some of the biggest names in the coaching world, and she’s a certified trainer with over 20 years of experience. Plus, she’s an international speaker and the author of Little Book of Prosperity. 

I can’t wait for you to dive in and get her hottest money-making strategies.

^^^Watch “How to Create Financial Freedom with Penelope Jane Smith and Sage Lavine” Now^^^

Here are a few of my favorite takeaways from this interview.

#1. Create Your Personal Economy

When Penelope reached an all-time career low and was facing bankruptcy and a sinking credit score, she invested in a mastermind training that changed her life and revitalized her business success. 

Her biggest download from this training?
You have your own personal economy.

While she was struggling financially, there were others at the mastermind training that were thriving and living in prosperity. 

So no matter what is going on in the world…
Or what is going on in the national or global economy…
YOU have your own personal economy that is yours to shape.

#2. Think of Yourself as an Investor

Mindset is EVERYTHING behind creating abundant money habits.

So think of yourself as an investor. Make it part of your identity.
(Even if you’re just starting out or don’t have much money to invest!)

Decide to be someone with money that works hard for you… versus you working hard for it.
Decide to be someone who earns interest…rather than constantly paying it.
Decide to be someone who earns passive income… instead of trading time for dollars.

Start now.
Make your first investment.
Get your money working for you.
Step into the prosperity cycle.

Take this mantra for a test drive:
“My income increases every day whether I’m working, sleeping, or playing.”

Feels pretty good, right? Remember, you attract what you affirm.

#3. Start Your Investment Strategy

Penelope defines strategy as “a plan based on real data for protecting and growing your money.” Here are a few quick strategies that can jumpstart your success:

  • Be consistent. The habit is more important than the amount. 78% of your ability to grow money is just putting the money in the thing. 
  • Set up automatic transfers. You can increase your savings rate 81% by setting up a monthly automatic transfer (even if it’s small to start) so you always have a flow into the “grow money” world.
  • Invest in a strategy. Find a strategy that works for YOU and start simple. (Penelope will be sharing some easy & effective investing strategies at her upcoming Financial Freedom 101 training!)

#4. Understand Volatility Vs. Risk

Penelope uses a roller coaster as an analogy for volatility versus risk.

Roller coasters go up and down. That’s just what they do.
This is volatility.

If you stay on a roller coaster for the entire ride, you’re much less likely to get hurt.
This is risk.

Money will always be moving up and down, but as long as you stay in it until the end, you’re most likely not going to get hurt.

The longer you have money in the market, the less risk you have… regardless of the market’s volatility. 

#5. Weigh the Pros & Cons of a Financial Advisor

There are pros (such as their knowledge) and cons (such as their fees) to working with a financial advisor. This decision is all about your level of confidence! But whatever you decide, make sure that ultimately you are the steward of your own money.

#6. Attend Financial Freedom 101

The reality is, women often end up with less money at retirement and need to make it last for longer. Many of us never received any education or training around growing money and investing.

That’s why I highly recommend you attend Penelope’s Financial Freedom 101 training, where you’ll get a 3-day money training immersion and learn…

  • Tools to become financially free forever
  • How to manage money
  • Your money systems and how they work together
  • How to create financial freedom & your freedom schedule
  • Investing strategies that work for women entrepreneurs

>>>Here’s the Link to Join
(Tickets are usually $497, but Penelope is inviting the Women Rocking Business community to attend for FREE! Don’t miss out on this incredible gift.)

Claim your abundance.
Grow your wealth.
Earn more money.

You got this, rockstar!

Let’s do this thing…together.


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