I got Triggered in my Women’s Group

Many of you have been asking me…
“How do I talk about my new business to friends and family?”
“How do I let people know that I’m now a healer, mentor, or guide?”

Speaking about your newly birthed creation can be vulnerable. You need to get it out there to get paid for your message, right? But triggering comments are inevitable. Trust me, I’ve gone through that myself – in my own women’s group!

I’ll share how you can continue sharing your vision and who you want to help. Find out how you can:

  • Embrace your imperfection as a leader to SELL
  • Position yourself as a service-oriented mentor to clients
  • Close the gap between your client and their desired transformation

Check out these tips below and let me know in the comments:
Which of these tips resonates with you the most?

^^^Watch “ I Got Triggered In My Women’s Group” Now!^^^

The people who’ve been in your lives for years are oftentimes the hardest people to talk about the new stuff.

This is what I learned after I showed my women’s group a new AI platform I’ve launched. Mind you, we’ve been together for 10 years! And all I got was:

“Why is it important you show this to us?”

I realized that this trigger stemmed from being understood by my family all my life. I was interested in other things outside of the weather, or our neighbor’s recipe, or what one relative was doing.

Leaders Don’t Have To Be Perfect

Honesty SELLS. But don’t shout from the rooftops to people who won’t support and don’t understand. Saying the perfect thing won’t sell you. Being REAL will. Once your message gets to the right people, you can then ask, “Do you know anyone else who’d need my help?”

Be A Detective

Conduct client interviews and ask them these questions:
What would you want from a mentor?
What support do you need?

Take time to be in their world. Mentors who are service-oriented lead with their hearts. People WANT to buy from those they trust.

Grow With Your Clients

Be honest. You may say, “I’m not a great salesperson. But I’m committed to helping you realize your vision. I’m on a journey – and it would be so great to have my clients on board!”

Please remember this…

This isn’t about being a robot.
This isn’t about having the answers ALL the time.
This is about you on a journey, with a mission to change the world – one client at a time.

This is about you being honest in sharing your commitment.

My dear, let your enthusiasm and humanity shine through!
You GET to be in this process because it’s all rich and beautiful.

Put this in your heart: Your clients aren’t waiting for someone like you. They’re actually waiting for YOU.


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