Making Virtual Events SIMPLE

Your pivot to virtual events is a huge transformation for you & your business. Does all the planning feel complicated? It doesn’t have to.

Here are five tips for making your virtual events SIMPLE so you can ROCK the online stage:

(Click below to watch Ep. #92: Making Virtual Events SIMPLE)


#1. Take Care of Yourself First
The day before I lead a huge event, I take a self care day. I plan ahead so I can create space to relax (and maybe take a walk on the beach.) Remember, when you take care of yourself first, you’re creating a mindset that’s ready to SHOW UP for your attendees, ROCK your event and CHANGE peoples’ lives.

#2. Present with Slides, Flip charts and Handouts
Visual aids help you frame your event & get organized. Slides, flip charts and handouts can serve as the “skeleton” of your event and support each session’s unique theme.

#3. Make Sure Your Offer is “YES” Ready
Ask yourself, “How do you help people believe they can have the outcome you’re offering?” It’s so important you help your audience VISUALIZE the special difference & powerful transformation you’re offering to their lives.

#4. Offer the Solution to a Problem
It’s essential to define both what your audience wants AND the biggest challenges that are holding them back from their goals & vision (and most importantly – what those challenges may be costing them.)

#5. Have a Wingwoman (or Wingman)
Enlist a partner to introduce you, stay on the line with you, take care of little technical details and give you a sense of security – so you can focus on delivery.

Get out there and rock your virtual event, sister! Remember: Your future clients are waiting for you. Not just someone like you, they’re actually waiting for YOU!

Let’s do this thing…together.


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