My TedX Talk Birthing Pains

Sister, what do you do when you’re moving towards a result that you really want, and things just aren’t working out?

Do you pull back?

Do you take it as a sign from the Universe that you’re not supposed to be doing it?

I had all kinds of challenges arise for me around my TedX talk…

Check out my video below where I share the challenges I faced and how I was able to move forward through disappointment.

I experienced several challenges leading up to my TedX talk:

  1. I chose to do my first TedX talk near my home town, which was really exciting for me, but my dad didn’t want to come! And that really hurt my feelings.
  2. My TedX talk was only 5 days after the biggest event of my career! Yikes! The timing was really tight and my ego couldn’t figure out how to be prepared for both. I felt like I was in a pressure cooker.
  3. The event – and the actual stage – was not what I expected. Ugh. When I arrived in Iowa, I found that they had moved the event into a cafeteria rather than an auditorium. Double Ugh…)

But even in the face of all of these challenges, and my frustration and disappointment, I chose to keep moving forward anyway.

And Sister… my TedX talk is coming out really soon – like in a couple of days!! EEEEEK! It would be my honor if you’d watch it, and if it speaks to you, share it with women in your life who want to make a bigger difference with their business.

Let’s do this thing… together!


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