Your Business IS the Phoenix Rising from the Flames

Your business message, the thing that you most want to say to the world… the thing that… when you DO say it to the world… will turn heads, win you faithful followers and loyal paying clients… lies deep inside the most painful and most liberating transformation you’ve been through.

Your business message IS the Phoenix Rising from the Flames, so to speak.

We’ve been through some major shit in our life. Excuse my language, but you know what I’m talking about when I say “shit”. Therapists call it Trauma. Coaches call it the Challenge. Spirituals call it the Sacred Struggle. Athletes call it the Grit.

I’ll never forget when it dawned on me that the very pain I was going through in starting my business amidst a divorce and total body breakdown was not entirely different than the transformation my clients would be experiencing as they start their businesses.

Whatever you call it, you’ve been through it & you know what I’m talking about. And, you’ve gone through things you never should have had to go through.

And, if you are willing to accept the path in front of you, you now have the opportunity to go back and be a guide who helps others navigate a similar treacherous landscape.

Having a sherpa who knows the mountain, the rocks in the path and the drop-offs, while it may not totally eliminate the pain others have had to experience on their journey to the summit, will significantly lessen it and at the very least allow those walking the path behind you to know deep in their soul that they are not alone.

When you’re willing to bring your personal transformation into the world so others know they are not alone – you are answering the call of the soul of your business.

And so the opportunity is this: Your “Shero’s” journey has brought about a transformation in you. Life has rolled out a curriculum that your soul chose before you came to this life, in order for you to grow and evolve.

So what is a transformation you’ve been through, a struggle you’ve experienced that you know you can now help others through?

And while that wound may or may not directly translate into your message, Your life challenges will either point directly toward the core of your business message or… your struggles will inform your message and the way you bring it rather than translate exactly.

Just because I went through a rough divorce a few years ago doesn’t mean I must be a divorce coach…

But, my journey of building a business alongside my divorce has been a journey of women’s empowerment woven within my business path.

And so, it’s no mystery why I attract clients who are women, who are on a journey of empowerment and spirituality themselves, often times watching aspects of their personal identity and relationships shift and sometimes shatter around them as they are feeling called to birth a business on purpose.

And amidst your transformation is the best time to build your business; because the purity of what will emerge will pull you forward in ways you couldn’t even anticipate.

So as you consider your biggest life challenges… Does the challenge you’ve been through directly translate? Or… does it influence the way in which you bring your message?

Take a few minutes to journal on this now Goddess… and don’t pull back just because it feels hard or because your personal life is… shall we say… evolving.

Let your business be the Phoenix Rising from the Flames of your personal transformation and it WILL carry you forward.

In Ashes we Trust, I’m with you sister.

Click here to head over to the WOMEN Rocking Business Sisterhood Page to Network with & Get support from an amazing group of GLOBAL Women Speakers & Entrepreneurs who are committed to changing the world together.

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