If you know in your heart that you’re on a path to…
…then today’s big announcement is for YOU.
I just released season 3 of my Women Rocking Business Podcast, and the theme is “Profitable Speaker.”
***Start Listening to the Women Rocking Business Podcast Now***
Each week’s episode will give you the tools you need to launch your speaking career and make a bigger difference. I made you a video to tell you more about this season’s theme and what you can expect.
^^^Watch “Profitable Speaker & Season 3 of my Podcast Now”^^^
Rockstar, I believe the most powerful speakers are here to bring a message when the world needs it. Right now, our planet is experiencing a massive shift and it’s time for us to rise up.
To heal the planet, we first need to heal its people.
And to heal people, we need transformation-based speakers.
There’s never been a better time to…
Your life has been a Ph.D. program preparing you to take the stage & make a difference. You’ve gone through a unique set of circumstances, obstacles to overcome, and opportunities to rise into. There are people out there who will resonate with your story and the unique gift you have to give to the world.
So it’s time to say “yes” to becoming a Profitable Speaker and give your ideal clients…
💛True empowerment
This season’s first episode is…
Monetize Your Stage with Hot Offers
You’ll discover important steps to delivering your offer that inspires “yes” and starting your journey to becoming a Profitable Speaker.
***Start Listening to the Women Rocking Business Podcast Now***
PLUS, this season, you’ll get to listen to podcast interviews with amazing guest experts, including…
Eben Pagan, revealing how to authentically enroll your ideal clients with your speaking message
Elizabeth Ocean, sharing tips to help you feel authentic & natural making sales & filling your practice as a speaker
Derek Rydall, teaching emotional resilience as an speaker & entrepreneur
Your clients are waiting for you. They’re not just waiting for someone like you. They’re actually waiting for you.
Now get out there and rock your biz & rock the world, sister!
Let’s do this thing…together.
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