How to Create Structure for Your Freedom Business

How do you feel about structure in your business?

Do you love it… or do you feel like you’re “allergic” to structure?
(Let me know in the comments below!)

Whether you naturally gravitate towards structure or not, I invite you to check out these core structure strategies that will help you:

💙 Create freedom and more time for YOU
💙 Feel supported as you scale your business
💙 Grow your movement & make a bigger impact

Let’s dive in.

^^^Watch “How to Create Structure for Your Freedom Business” Now!^^^

I love this quote:
“Being a free spirit takes great discipline.” 

The more free you want to be, the more structures you’ll need to put in place.

That begins by looking at the 3 main structures of a purpose-based business:

#1. Marketing.

Marketing is all about how people discover your gift and message. Your marketing strategy may include social media, referral partners, organic search, advertising, and more.

#2. Sales

Sales is the sacred moment when you turn potential clients into paying clients. You may either love or hate sales, but you’ll grow to appreciate it more and more throughout your journey. 

#3. Fulfillment

Fulfillment is delivering a product or service that you feel great about. This is where you get to show up and take amazing care of your clients. (This is the favorite component of business for most entrepreneurs!)

As Women Rocking Business has grown, I’ve learned that the more I embrace all three components… the more freedom and appreciation I have for my business. 

It’s also important to create structure with your TEAM.

My team members are allies and angels in my life. When you find someone who is willing to stand in your mission, you can make a much bigger impact. 

Here are a few quick team-building tips:

    • Start small. Begin by hiring an assistant who can wear many hats. 
    • Encourage leadership. Invite your team members to think of themselves as department heads and leaders.
    • Grow your revenue. You don’t want to be the only income-producing member of the team. The sooner you can get your team thinking about strategies to bring in clients, the faster you’ll grow.
    • Meet regularly. Schedule weekly meetings and let your team come to YOU with questions so they can grow their leadership.
    • Create a hiring process. Use a structure to sort through applications and ask top candidates to submit written interviews or test exercises. 

I hope these structure strategies help you GROW your freedom business!

Remember, we can only go so far when we go alone. 

Your clients are waiting for you.

Let’s do this thing…together.


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