Creating a Millionaire Mindset with Kiné Corder and Sage Lavine

I have an exciting interview to share with you.

I’m talking with Kiné Corder, who is a national certified counselor, the world’s #1 leading financial hypnotherapist, CEO of Presidential Lifestyle, and co-founder of the Gyd App. 

We’re giving you the tools to…

  • Overcome imposter syndrome
  • Uplevel your money mindset (or “lifeset!”)
  • Embrace your authentic self 
  • Look at what success means to YOU
  • Change more lives on this planet

Let’s dive in.

^^^Watch “Creating a Millionaire Mindset with Kiné Corder and Sage Lavine” ^^^

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome – or feeling self-doubt and lack of alignment with who you really are – comes from lots of messages we receive from family, community, media, etc.

These messages often look like:

Go to school.
Get a good job.
Get married.
Have kids.
Be heterosexual.

But maybe somewhere along the way you realized… this just wasn’t for you. 

If you’re facing imposter syndrome, follow Kiné’s 3 steps to overcome it and start leading your life and business as the most authentic version of yourself. 

#1. Align with your values. Get clear on what makes YOU feel joy. It’s different for every person. Tune into your authentic values (as a woman entrepreneur, you may relate to values like collaboration, resource-sharing, empowerment, and philanthropy.)

#2. Build confidence. Know who you are, what brings you joy, and what values you’re aligned with… then have the confidence to express them unapologetically. That might mean saying no, changing your energy when possible, and compromising consciously. 

#3. Be patient. If you’re ready to boost your money flow, get out of the mindset of “I have to do this, I have to do that, I have to go faster.” Instead, focus on what makes you feel good. Rest into that energy and THEN start thinking about your money decisions.

You may be surprised at the results you can create. 

Remember, your authentic self is on the other end of the spectrum as your imposter.
(Keep in mind, your imposter may look different than someone else’s imposter.)

Money Lifeset Tips

Here are a few other gems of wisdom from my interview with Kiné:

Shift your focus. Kiné felt a huge shift when she went from measuring her goals from a dollar amount to the number of people on this planet she wanted to serve. Set goals and measure success in a way that feels aligned and right for YOU. 

Attract your ideal clients. There are over 8 BILLION people on this planet. If you want 10, 100, or even 1,000 of them to attend your next event… you can make it happen. Attract your clients by getting clear on your message and being your authentic self. 

Don’t compare. Your ideal income, amount of clients, and lifestyle may look dramatically different than the dreams of those around you. Let yourself move toward more money, more “yes,” more joy… in a way that feels really good for you. 

If Kiné’s message is resonating with you, I highly recommend you check out her free app for healers.

>>>Click here to check out Kiné’s app

You can also follow Kiné on social media here:

Now get out there and be YOU!

You got this.

Let’s do this thing…together.


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