The Rock the Stage Challenge was off-the-charts AMAZING!!
Twenty thousand women joined us from around the world and said “yes” to growing their speaking-based businesses in 2024.
Now that so many women in our community have the tools to rock the stage, I want to take some time to talk about how to fall in love with SALES.
(Plus I’ll be sharing all the details about my free training, The Feminine Sales Livestream that’s happening this week!)
Consider your biggest block with sales. As women, we have many of them.
Were you influenced by salespeople on your journey who made you feel like sales were grimy and pushy? (That “used car salesman” energy.)
I invite you to think of sales from a different perspective.
Think of a sales transaction that made you feel really good. Maybe it was…
That’s the energy you want to bring into your sales conversations.
The most influential and successful salespeople on this planet are highly skilled at being present in the moment.
So bring this practice into your sales conversations.
Be present.
Listen to what your potential clients are saying they want.
Stand in the transformation with them.
Sales are exciting and totally fall-in-love-with-worthy because they represent the commitment between you and your potential client. It’s the moment where they see the transformation that’s possible when they say “yes” to you.
If you have any worries that sound like “what if they don’t get the results I promised?” and that’s holding you back…
Remember the solution is to show up.
Do what it takes to feel amazing about your products and services.
Be an inspiring mentor.
Create a space for people to step into their greatness.
And stop being responsible for them. It’s about interdependency, not codependency!
If this is resonating with you and you’re ready to start…
Then I invite you to grab your free seat at my Feminine Sales Livestream!!
You’ll learn how to:
…All with the support of our community who’s got your back.
Will I see you there?
Keep falling in love with sales.
Keep showing up.
Keep saying “yes” to the clients who are waiting for YOU.
Let’s do this thing…together.
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