4 Steps to Hear YES in Your Enrollment Conversations

Do you ever feel like you don’t know what to say when you’re talking to a potential client? Or maybe you’re just not hearing YES as much as you need to feel financially secure. Today’s training is going to show you what to say and the exact questions to ask so your potential clients say […]

How to Fall in Love with Sales

The Rock the Stage Challenge was off-the-charts AMAZING!! Twenty thousand women joined us from around the world and said “yes” to growing their speaking-based businesses in 2024. Now that so many women in our community have the tools to rock the stage, I want to take some time to talk about how to fall in […]

4 Energies of Sacred Sales

Have you ever been in the presence of someone who puts you at total ease, like they’re going to take exquisite care of you so you totally trust them? If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that it’s not just what they say… it’s their deeply present, confident energy that leaves you feeling totally safe, […]

The Resistance to Sell Spiritual Gifts

Your spiritual gifts deserve to be received by those who need them. I know some of you are resistant to selling them. It can feel like putting a price tag on your heart, right? But I believe your soul has designed this journey for you. You are meant to do this. I’ve had the honor […]

I got Triggered in my Women’s Group

Many of you have been asking me… “How do I talk about my new business to friends and family?” “How do I let people know that I’m now a healer, mentor, or guide?” Speaking about your newly birthed creation can be vulnerable. You need to get it out there to get paid for your message, […]

How to Sell $10K+ Packages with Integrity

Attention: women entrepreneurs who want to… Change more lives Earn more income Create more impact This training is for you. I’m sharing three quick tips to sell high-ticket programs (including $10,000 packages) so you can create even more transformation on this planet. So listen, watch, or read below to learn how to sell these programs […]

Dolphin Business Advice

I recently went swimming with dolphins in Bimini and I have to tell you… It really woke me up.  So today I want to share with you some of my key transmissions from my dolphin experience so you can create success in your business.  ^^^Watch “Dolphin Business Advice” Now^^^ I’ve been swimming with dolphins […]

Are Your Ideal Clients Going to Buy?

Woo Hoo! We just wrapped up our 3-Day Rock Your Online Sales Retreat! I’m reflecting on the incredible group of intelligent, heart-centered, powerhouse women from last week’s event… and there’s one question that initially came up a lot that I want to address for today’s training. “Are people really going to buy my stuff?” (Pop […]

Speak to Sell: 10 Quick Tips

Hello women speakers! Pop a “yes” in the comments below if you want to… Grow your speaking-based businesses Change more lives from the stage Speak to SELL I’m sharing 10 of my favorite quick tips to put together a talk that creates transformation & attracts high-paying clients.  Check out the tips below.  ^^^Watch “Speak […]

Highlights from My Best-Selling Book (Interview with Glory St. Germain)

Today we’re taking a deep-dive into the highlights of my best-selling Hay House Book, Women Rocking Business, the ultimate 12-step entrepreneurial guide to creating a thriving life.  I’m being interviewed by Glory St. Germain, one of my incredible clients who has read Women Rocking Business cover to cover and used these tools to skyrocket her […]

Monetize Your Stage with Hot Offers

If you want to present your offer from a place of effectiveness AND also from a place of open-hearted love, transformation, and authenticity… …then this training is for you, rockstar.   ^^^Watch “Watch “Monetize the Stage with Hot Offers” Now” Now!^^^ Do you ever feel like, “I don’t want to deal with the money part!” […]

3 Tips to Rock Your Sacred Enrollment with Elizabeth Ocean & Sage Lavine

Hello sister! I’m joined by my dear friend & client Elizabeth Ocean, CEO of Women’s Holistic Business Academy, to talk about sacred enrollment. Elizabeth is a rockstar graduate of our Women Rocking Business Academy. She has taken our enrollment tools and made them her own, creating results like…. Building a quarter million dollar a year […]


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