The Right and Wrong Order To Set Yourself Up For High-Ticket Sales

Raise your hand if you’ve ever spent hours behind your computer creating a course but when it came time to sell, all you got was crickets… It’s SO tempting to stay in creator mode. Coming up with content. Building course after course… and then wonder why you’re not making the money you want. Today I’m […]

Transforming Imposter Syndrome

Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome? That feeling that you’re somehow unworthy to be in business or that you’re a fraud… Feeling like an imposter is extremely common – and it can rob you of your confidence and your courage… it can keep you from putting yourself out there in your marketing, and sabotage your […]

Your Hurt & Harm Is part of Your Gift with Elliott Connie

Being an entrepreneur is about giving your gift to the world – and the traumas, the pains, setbacks, and the challenges you’ve had are a PART OF that gift. In other words… your gifts have been forged in the fire of your biggest wounds. I am SO excited to share a heart-to-heart I had with […]

Cure for Cancel Culture with Sam Horn and Sage Lavine

Do you ever fear “cancel culture”… and getting criticized or even canceled for sharing your truth online as you’re out there getting visible? Building a message based business puts you in the fire… repeatedly. 💙 Learn to speak confidently, so you can stop fearing “cancel culture” 💙 Stop getting triggered and start pausing (this saves […]

How to Release Your Debt & Money Shame

Are you experiencing shame around having debt? (Comment below if you can relate!) If so, today’s training can help you release that negative energy and… 💛 Get to the front side of debt, money, and wealth 💛 Change the way you think about borrowing money 💛 Create more financial freedom & abundance Plus, you’ll start […]

Creating a Millionaire Mindset with Kiné Corder and Sage Lavine

I have an exciting interview to share with you. I’m talking with Kiné Corder, who is a national certified counselor, the world’s #1 leading financial hypnotherapist, CEO of Presidential Lifestyle, and co-founder of the Gyd App.  We’re giving you the tools to… Overcome imposter syndrome Uplevel your money mindset (or “lifeset!”) Embrace your authentic self  […]

How to Stop Hiding & Start Getting Visible in 2023

It’s 2023. Are you still hiding out? Are you procrastinating on getting visible? Are you telling yourself you don’t have anything good enough to say? If you’re thinking “yes,” this message is for YOU.  ^^^Watch “How to Stop Hiding & Start Getting Visible in 2023” Now^^^ 2023 is slated to be an incredible year […]

What’s Your Superpower Shadow?

If you’ve taken my Speaker Superpower Quiz, you know that you have a speaker superpower within you.  But did you know that your superpower has a shadow? In today’s quick training, I’m diving into WHY you have a superpower shadow and HOW to leverage it in your business. ^^^Watch “What’s Your Superpower Shadow?” Now^^^ Your […]

Business Lessons Learned from Moving

I just moved! ✨ Today I’m sharing some of the highlights of my big move…and some valuable business lessons I learned in the process.  Check out the video and article below to learn my 3 business tips I discovered from moving.  ^^^Watch “Business Lessons Learned from Moving” Now^^^ First, I’ll show you how we […]

Life-Changing Healing for Women Entrepreneurs (Interview with Brandy Gillmore)

You have a life-changing gift to bring to this planet. If you want to create change in the world and thrive as a woman entrepreneur, you first have to… Break free from negative thought processes (yep, even if they started in childhood) Identify the limiting emotional beliefs that are holding you back (and overcome them) […]

Claim Your Genius Zone with Gay Hendricks and Sage Lavine

Want to spend more time in your zone of genius? If so, you’re going to love this interview with Gay Hendricks. He’s a leader in the fields of relationship and body mind transformation with 45+ years experience. He has created absolutely amazing results with his gift, like… Writing over 40 books, including his latest book […]

Strengthen the Super-Shero Within You

WOW! The past few weeks have been totally amazing. Over 11,000 women said “yes” to being speaker super-sheroes at my Rock the Stage Challenge.  We experienced huge breakthroughs. We created an incredible container of support, sisterhood, and feedback. We took action and created so much online visibility for our heart-centered businesses.  These women are already […]


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